Garrison & Gabe Brown Slam Robyn for ‘Gaslighting’ Them Over Family Gift Change

Garrison & Gabe Brown Slam Robyn for ‘Gaslighting’ Them Over Family Gift Change

Garrison Brown

Image Credit ranking: TLC

Christine and Janelle Brown sit down down with some of their kids to gain a mode of how they’re doing amid the total family drama within the October 15 episode of Sister Higher halves. Garrison, Gabe, and Gwendlyn Brown focus on about their emotions about Robyn Brown and the tactic in which the vacation gift alternate drama amplified the stress worthy more.

After some , Mykelti Brown eventually texted Garrison, 25, to listing him that Robyn, forty five, and her kids wouldn’t be participating in this one year’s gift alternate. Garrison believes Robyn ragged the gift alternate scenario and “grew to become it into us attempting to ostracize her and played the victim.” Meanwhile, Robyn says she and her kids indubitably feel love they’ve been “voted off the Brown family island.”

On the dinner table, Gabe, 21, provides, “She turned into gaslighting all people into treating her with special treatment.” Gwendlyn, 21, tells the table that Robyn has “made herself the victim for the closing 8 years resulting from “she turned into the closing partner.”

Robyn Brown
Robyn Brown within the October 15 episode. (TLC)

Garrison accuses Robyn of the utilization of “COVID to produce dad uncommon after which turning herself into the victim and asserting that it’s our fault.” Kody, 54, is adamant that he made the strict COVID guidelines, which is at the heart of his feud with Gabe and Garrison, no longer Robyn.

Kody is fully Crew Robyn in the case of this scenario. “All of ya are appropriate more or much less jerks. I don’t wish to be around you, and I’m drained of it. And I don’t wish to name them, and I don’t wish to consult with with them,” Kody says about Gabe, Garrison, and Gwendlyn.

Garrison declares that he’s “completed with Robyn.” He continues, “I don’t care to consult with with Robyn anymore. I’m no longer going to achieve this. I’m doing my hang factor, and Robyn’s angry that she can’t hang this manufacture on our lives anymore resulting from we appropriate don’t care anymore. And I’m no longer speaking on behalf of the siblings, but I think the total siblings think that it’s us going, you know what Robyn, hang him. We don’t care anymore. We’re all grown adults that don’t want a father resolve… We don’t want dad anymore.”

For Robyn, she’s reasonably worthy given up on the root of reconciling with some of Janelle and Christine’s kids. “I appropriate realized that nothing I’d ever dispute or attain at this level they’re going to ever see with the honest diagram that I mean it,” Robyn says. “The love that I hang for them, even the damage that I hang, why would I be damage if I didn’t care? They’re by no formulation going to see me because the leisure rather then a ghastly man.” Fresh episodes of Sister Higher halves air Sundays on TLC.

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