As portion of its Eminent Audio system Program, Congregation Beth Shalom hosts Joyce Vance and Neal Katyal on Oct. 18

As portion of its Eminent Audio system Program, Congregation Beth Shalom hosts Joyce Vance and Neal Katyal on Oct. 18

Congregation Beth Shalom in Northbrook is hosting Eminent Audio system Joyce Vance and Neal Katyal at 8 p.m. Oct. 18 to focus on about Spiritual Freedom Below Attack: Struggling with Relief.

Consistent with a recordsdata open, a energetic panel dialogue featuring Vance, extinct United States Attorney and Katyal, extinct Acting U.S. Solicitor In style, will occur with a moderated Q&A session to follow. Both Joyce Vance and Neal Katyal are TV apt analysts, law professors, and extinct senior Justice Department attorneys. Bigger than 700 individuals are expected.

Congregation Beth Shalom hosts two to 3 Eminent Audio system programs every One year which maintain integrated featured audio system Nina Totenberg, Daniel Silva, Andy Slavitt, Amy Spitalnick, Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Bruce Feiler and Sen. Russ Feingold, the open acknowledged. The programs are persistently start to the community and free of label. Registration for this occasion is equipped online: or email Audrey

Congregation Beth Shalom is the spiritual dwelling to more than 1000 families, in accordance with the open. The congregation provides egalitarian services and products and day-to-day morning and evening minyan on daily basis of the One year.

Beth Shalom has a thriving Spiritual College for Kindergarten through High College, childhood programming for all ages and a stout array of courses and programs for lifelong Jewish finding out, the open acknowledged. We are a solid and numerous congregation and judge ourselves as a gargantuan family and a field folks comfortably call their “dwelling faraway from dwelling.”


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